Saturday, January 17, 2009

More random thoughts...

First of all, Warner Bros. and Fox came to an agreement on "Watchmen," so it will be released as scheduled in March! Apparently, Fox will receive a flat fee along with a cut of the gross, and will even get a piece if there are sequels to this movie. I think that's a little too much money because Fox didn't think the movie would be a success and deliberately tried to unload the movie rights, but the point is the movie will release on time!

I watched "Pineapple Express" on DVD and enjoyed it thoroughly. A very original idea, great acting, great story and a good balance of action and comedy. I also disagree with the critics- the movie was not too long.

Finally, my dude of the month (the previous recipient was Niners coach Mike Singletary), Is Chelsey Sullenburger, the pilot of the US Airways jet that landed in the Hudson River the other day. The plane takes off from LaGuardia, and a flock of birds cripples both of the engines. Sullenberger, a former Air Force fighter pilot who flew the F-4, realizes he won't make it to an airport, so he aims for the river. He keeps the plane in one piece during landing, and keeps his composure, making sure everyone exits the plane in a timely fashion. He even checks the plane twice to make sure no one is left behind. Because this guy did his job perfectly, no one on the plane was killed or seriously injured. The next time I am on a plane, I hope this guy is the pilot.

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