Saturday, June 27, 2009

R.I.P., Michael Jackson

This was truly a shock to all of us. This really hit home with me, because I grew up listening to "Thriller" and "Bad" on vinyl. I was at the age when I was really starting to enjoy and appreciate music when "Thriller" came out. MJ was the first singer I really became a fan of. I still think "Thriller" is the greatest album ever. Yes, even better than any Beatles album. (say what you will about the White Album, but Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da and Revolution #9 will always be there.)

We have truly lost one of the greats. He was a true game changer, and like Elvis and the Beatles, redefined music and the music industry as we know it. Like the Beatles, other artists will cite him as an influence for many decades to come. Listening to "Thriller" (the album, not just the song) again, I think it can't be defined in terms of a genre, because it uses bits and pieces of R&B, soul, rock, pop and funk, and blends it all into a musical masterwork. He does the same thing with "Bad," which is a notch below "Thriller," but still a classic. Quincy Jones, who produced both of these albums, also deserves a lot of props.

Also, who could forget the first time we saw him do the moonwalk? Look at 3:40 into this video. Also, the dancing and choreography on the Thriller video is perfect.

Yes, he was a bit on the eccentric side, especially in more recent years. However, I believe he will be remembered for his talents as a musician and a performer rather than the weird stuff he did.


Nonni said...

I totally agree. He was a true innovator and the man could DANCE... I never believed he was capable of the child molestation charges. He loved children and wanted to give to them the happy childhood he never had. I do find his relationship with Elizabeth Taylor a bit odd tho!!!

Maqam said...

It's rough thinking about how much he influenced music, and now he's gone. I'll be playing MJ al week...