Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Wife's Top Ten Romance Movies

I was feeling kind of left since everyone else was creating lists so I've created my own Chick Flick Masterpiece.

1. When Harry Met Sally- For me, this movie is what every cliched romance movie is made of. This is where it started and it was perfect!

2. Pride and Prejudice- Starring Keira Knightley- As you will notice, my list is pretty much anything by Jane Austen and I LOVED this movie. It would be number one but nothing can beat When Harry Met Sally.

3. Up- yes, it's a cartoon but it is the perfect example of what I can only hope my life is like with my husband sixty years down the road. This movie made me laugh and cry.

4. Bridget Jones' Diary- surprise surprise, what girl doesn't love this movie? Who doesn't love Colin Firth? And no, I will not be watching The Single Man- Colin Firth can not play a gay man-he was born to be Mr. Darcy.

5. I'm With Lucy- "this much is truuueeee..this much is truuuuee.."

6. Emma- Once again, love Jane Austen!

7. Say Anything- what girl did not grow up wishing that a guy would hold up his boom box standing outside her window?- just saying..

8. Sweet Home Alabama- this is one movie that my husband has not been able to get me to change my mind about. Yes, it's formulaic but Josh Lucas is worth watching and I love Ethan Embry.

9. Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen again.

10. The Wedding Singer- yes, it's a comedy but it's perfect.

Honorable Mention: Something About Mary- well, Brett is in the movie..


Mr. Tucker said...

I apologize, someone claiming to be my wife has hacked into my blog. I assure you this will not happen again.

Graham said...


I think someone hacked my FaceBook too. Silly hackers!