Friday, August 29, 2008


So, a movie like "No Country for Old Men" can get all sorts of praise from critics, and win Best Picture (over "There Will be Blood?!"), even though the movie ratchets up the tension for an hour and a half only to reach no climax? The Coen Brothers have made some great movies, but this wasn't one of them. Critics universally overpraised this movie. Technically, it was a beautiful film with great cinematography, acting and directing. But you have a really tight, well-paced action movie that completely unravels into self-important drivel in the third act. I can't remember a movie fall apart so quickly since Roman Polanski's "The Ninth Gate." And maybe "Jurassic Park III." At least Jurassic Park III had an excuse... The studio wanted a movie released in the summer, and it just wasn't finished. Here, it's all part of the story. I don't know if this narrative was more effective in Cormac McCarthy's book, but it sure didn't work here.

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