Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Christian Bale goes nuts!

I am sure you have heard the 3-plus minute profanity-laced tirade that Christian Bale unleashed on the DP for "Terminator: Salvation." Supposedly, the DP walked into the shot and interrupted the scene while Bale was acting.

Some people may defend Bale, saying he really cares about his profession and takes his work very seriously. Some of these people may even be related to me. I think his behavior is unacceptable. Did the DP make a mistake? Yes. Should Bale have said something to him? Yes. Should Bale have berated him for 3 minutes in front of the crew? Absolutely not. First of all, he sounded like a spoiled child who didn't get his way. Second of all, he wasn't acting like a professional. Those of us in the so-called "real world," meaning those of us who don't have jobs as movie actors, would probably get fired for behavior like that. Someone in an office or factory can't talk to a co-worker like that, and I certainly can't talk to my students like that. Unfortunately, celebrities are allowed to do stuff like this because they are celebrities.

Nevertheless, Bale needs to be careful, because he may end up with a bad-boy image like Mickey Rourke, Russell Crowe, and Colin Farrell, he will have fewer opportunities, and the Academy Awards tend to pass on actors who have these types of problems. Christian Bale is a talented actor, and it would be a shame to see it wasted.

1 comment:

Nonni said...

Okay, not very professional but I got the impression from his rant that this was the 2nd time the DP walked into a scene. He obviously has anger management issues. However, he is intense....