Sunday, May 28, 2017


For those of you wondering how I ended up getting admitted to Mount Nittany, here's what happened. Following my 5th day of chemo and radiation on Friday, my only side effect was a slight headache. I took Tylenol on Friday, because it hurt a little more while I was exercising. Friday evening, I was cooking a complicated recipe, and started to feel dizzy and see stars. I called for Jaci. She came in, and I collapsed into her shoulders. She started to panic. Of course I told her I was fine, and just to get me to the couch. I blacked out after that. According to her, I vomited, fell (she caught my head), fell a second time and hit the back of my head on our hutch, and fell a third time. When I came to, I vomited a second time. Jaci asked the kids to call 911, but they were too scared to, because my pupils were dilated, and they thought I was dead. I went to the ER, was admitted, and ended up in the critical care unit. Because there were a slew of admissions, I didn't get admitted until 3:00 a.m. As always, the worst part of this whole experience was getting stuck with needles for the IV and blood draw. They tried to do it in the ambulance twice, unsuccessfully. It eventually took a three-person IV team 20 minutes with a blacklight to find veins.

They did let me sleep for at least a few hours, and let me get up to use the bathroom with supervision. Also, I was on a regular diet, and the food was much better. I was discharged Saturday afternoon, with an increased dose of Kepra (anti-seizure medication) and a return to a half-dose of Dex (steroid). I am afraid of what the steroid will do, but I am glad to be home. I feel bad that the boys were so scared and missed their friends' birthday party yesterday. Otherwise, I am now home and okay.

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