Friday, July 4, 2008

Attack of the summer movies: Big Willie Style

It seems like the opening of a new Will Smith movie is just as much a part of the Fourth of July as fireworks and backyard barbeques.

This year, we get "Hancock," about a superhero who has alcohol problems, and is just an all-around jerk. This movie has been getting mixed reviews, and I don't think the studio quite knew how to market it. 

I was satisfied overall. Parts of the film were very funny, and the main characters were developed well. I enjoyed the surprisingly dark third act, and it didn't have your typical superhero movie ending where two rivals duke it out in the middle of the city amid a barrage of special effects. Instead, it was much more personal and character-driven. Also, we are so used to Will Smith playing nice-guy roles, so this is a welcome change.

Some critics complained that the film went from funny to dark too quickly, and I disagree. The tone of the film was consistent with the arc of the main characters. Another complaint I disagree with was that the middle of the film dragged. I thought the film was entertaining from beginning to end, and there were plenty of action scenes and laughs to balance out the quiet moments.

I thought it was a good film, but not quite a great film. There were a lot of different elements like action, comedy and a dark character story, and the pieces just didn't quite mesh together smoothly. I would be interested in seeing a sequel, because this is a great premise, and I think there is a lot of potential here.

By the way, director Peter Berg uses lots of shaky, jumpy camera work and some quick zooms, so you might want to steer clear if you don't like this kind of directing. Personally, it didn't bother me too much, but some gimmicks seemed a bit overused and deliberate. Also, try not to read too much about the movie because there are some key plot points and surprises that some dumbass reviewer or reporter might reveal.

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