Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain veep shocker!

My compliments to the McCain camp. His pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was such a surprise, that it finally got the media attention away from Obama. As much as I like Obama, I believe the press has a duty to cover both candidates equally, and they haven't been doing it. Until now.

The skeptics are saying McCain is a hypocrite because he has cited Obama's lack of experience, then picks a two-year governor of a small state who has zero foreign policy experience. I still think it's a smart choice. Vice presidential picks have usually had little to no effect on elections, and unless your name is Lyndon B. Johnson or Dick Cheney, the vice president really doesn't do all that much. Harry Truman said the role of the VP was "to go to weddings and funerals." I think Palin can do nothing but help the ticket. It brings some much needed youth to the party, which has to overcome its image of being a bunch of rich old white guys. Also, McCain may even be able to bring over some feminists who are miffed that Hillary isn't on the Democratic ticket.

Palin also has a strong personality. She is a successful opponent of pork barrel politics and earmarks. She has taken on fellow Republicans in Alaska, even the infamous Ted Stevens, halting construction of a $398 million "bridge to nowhere," one of his pet projects. She is also a hard-line conservative, pro-life, anti-gay marriage, and a lifelong member of the NRA, so she will please the right-wing social conservative whackos. 

All I can say is buckle up, because it's going to be an interesting two months. And Gov. Palin, if you're reading this, all I can say is start studying for the debate now, because you have to face off with Joe Biden and his 30-plus years of experience in the Senate.


Nonni said...

Very smart pick on the part of the Republican machine. Think Glenn Close in Executive Decision. She's young, attractive, accomplished and has had as much Foreign Policy experience as Obama. Conservatives will love her - rednecks will think she is great. Anyone whose favorite dish is Moose Stew must know something I don't...

Maqam said...

Mom, that was Air Force One. Executive Decision was where Seagal got sucked out of the plane ten minutes in. Sweet.

Nonni said...

Sorry, I knew that - just got confused. I'm almost as old as McCain!!!