This post is based on my favorite Beatles song. You can find the post on The post is very biased against "Abbey Road" and "Let It Be" with the writer assuming that the band was not able to produce decent music given the strain on the band., preferring earlier songs like "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," and "She Loves You." We agreed on the No. 1 song, the epic tune "A Day in the Life." With my life developing into a routine of sorts, here is a day in my life:
6:30 pm: Picked up boys from day care. Offered to take them to IHOP.
7:15 pm: Decent meal. Jaci and the kids seemed to like it, but service and cost were poor. Blood sugar was 214.
8:15 pm: Back home. Kids continue to be noisy. Beginning to focus on family visit tomorrow. Few problems from "People of Walmart."
9:00 pm: Kids went to bed and stayed in bed. I am continuing to drink water. Jaci suggests calling Makayla tomorrow because her bakery fundraiser raised $180 for me. Trump continues to be an idiot.
10:00 pm: Interesting finds from magazines throughout the day. Car and Driver likes the 7-passenger VW Atlas, and loves the Ford GT. Time wrote about the "swamp" at the Trump International Hotel (formerly the Old Post Office Building). This is an instance where he is technically both landlord and tenant of his own building.
11:15 pm: Unfortunately, the night ends with a spat. I was going to call Makayla and give her the "real" reason I wouldn't be at her party. Jaci said she would calll herself and "soft pedal" the message.
5:30 am: OK sleep, more indigestion. The cycle starts over.
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