Monday, July 24, 2017

Toyota Sienna minivan: Review from the passenger seat!

Our friend Sara was kind enough to drive us to Duke and back. Here are my impressions from sitting in the second-row seat.

Power: The brisk 3.5 liter V6 hustles the van along nicely. Fuel mileage was about 23-24 mpg, which is adequate for the size of the vehicle.

Comfort: Not bad. A little tight from where I was sitting, but we were all able to fit comfortably.  Leather seats would have been nice. The second row of seats collpased forward, so it was easy for the kids to climb into the third row.

Safety: It doesn't say on Toyota's website, but I assume there is a full complement of airbags, and I am not sure if there are active safety features like active braking.

User interface: The GPS worked well, but that didn't stop us from making a few wrong turns.

Room: Plenty of room in the trunk.

Overall: Adequate for our purposes.

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